Real investment in its own infrastructure and national security. 伊拉克需要在自己的基础设施和国家安全方面进行真正的投资。
'Realize that camera bodies come and go each year,' he said. 'The real investment is the glass on the front.' 要知道机身每年都在更新换代,他说,真正该投资的是前面的那块玻璃。
She points out that launching a maternity line would require real investment, which might not be worth it as long T-shirts, leggings and layering remain popular as pregnancy wear. 她指出推出孕妇装需要很大投入,当长款T恤、裹腿、叠层装依然也能象孕装一样受人欢迎时,投资孕妇装就很不划算。
But the real investment opportunities lie in the maps and town plans of Eastern Europe. 但真正的投资机会却在东欧地图和城镇规划图方面。
High rates of inflation create a tax on capital that makes much corporate investment unwise-at least if measured by the criterion of a positive real investment return to owners. 高通胀创造了一个资本税,这个税让大多数企业投资变得不明智,至少如果用对拥有者正的真实投资回报的标准来衡量是如此。
The aim is to study and develop tools to evaluate real investment opportunities, such as building a new plant or acquiring another company. 这部份主要研究及发展有关工具来估算实际的投资议案,如建立新厂房或收购另一公司。
A few years ago, a business whose per-share net worth compounded at20% annually would have guaranteed its owners a highly successful real investment return. 几年前,一个每股净资产以每年20%的复利增长的企业肯定能给拥有者带来高度成功的真实投资回报。
Real investment opportunities exist, but current road conditions are a major obstacle to enhancing trade between our two countries. 实际投资机会是存在的,但目前的道路状况是增加我们两国间贸易的主要障碍。
Chinese citizens 'only real investment choices are property, which is illiquid, and the stock market. 中国居民仅有的现实投资选择,一是流动性很差的房地产,二是股市。
Growth in cement production, generally a good proxy, was also found to march in step with real investment growth so was not as useful in predicting how the next six months would play out. 水泥产量的增长一般来说是个很好的指标,但王志浩也发现,这个指标与实际投资增长是同步的,所以不能用于预测未来半年的投资动向。
These children are the real investment geniuses. 这些孩子是真正的投资天才。
Investors ′ Sentiment and the Real Investment of China ′ s Listed Companies 投资者情绪与中国上市公司实际投资
Through the comparison between before and after the crash of the bubbles, the paper indicates that the real investment value is becoming more and more significant in Chinese stock market. 通过对股市泡沫破裂前后的对比分析表明,我国股市的实际投资价值正越来越明显。
With compare in analysis, it is adopt fuzzy and analytic hierarchy process comprehensive method of appraisal building investment project of the real estate appraisal of scheme feasible in this paper, and this method is applied in the real investment project. 通过本文的研究与分析比较,认为采用模糊层次综合评价的方法对房地产投资项目进行方案的评价是可行的,在实际的投资项目评价决策中是适用的。
Nowadays, the real options theory is not widely used in the real investment decision, so it is necessary to carry out a overall research on the real option-pricing theory and establish a practical investment decision method. 但目前实物期权理论在实际投资决策中的应用还不多,因此,对实物期权定价理论进行深入研究,建立实用的投资决策方法和决策工具是十分必要的。
The risk probability analysis is a difficult problem in real investment risk decision-making. 风险概率期望分析是房地产投资风险决策的难点问题。
As an extension for NPV method, real options theory has been widely used in real investment decision-making. 实物期权理论作为净现值法的延伸和扩展,在实物投资领域得到了广泛应用。
Based on behavioral corporate financial theories, this paper examine the effect of investors sentiment on the real investment of China listed companies. The special market environment and the system background of the china stock market are we concerned. 本文运用行为公司金融理论,针对中国股票市场特殊的市场环境、制度背景提出可检验假设,验证由投资者情绪导致的股票错误定价对我国上市公司实际投资的影响。
The author offers a new idea to perfect the decision-making of investment, constructing the innovated investment decision-making management model, avoiding the real investment risks and implementing risks management by application of strategy management, project management and real options. 运用战略管理、项目管理、实物期权的思想方法和工具,构造革新的投资决策管理模型,以期权思想规避实际投资风险和进行风险管理,提供一种企业进行投资决策的更为完美的新思路。
Real investment is a continual or multiperiod process, the optimal portfolio of single period can not be efficient in the situation. 实际中的投资行为都是一个持续不断、贯穿各阶段的过程,单阶段的组合优化方法不能有效地指导实际中的多阶段投资过程。
Real option is the development and application of financial option to the field of real investment. 它是金融期权理论在实物投资领域的发展和应用。
A quantitative computation of the optimum technological growth rate between real investment and optimum investment is carried out. 定量测算了企业技术现实投入与最佳投入之间的技术最优增长率;
The forecasting of the securities 'return or prices is an important issue for finance theory research as well as real investment. 证券收益率(或证券价格)的预测是金融理论和投资实践中的一个重要问题。
This paper made an empirical study on the relationship between real investment and economic growth, using the multivariate vector autoregressive model and time varying parameter model. 本文利用变参数模型和向量自回归模型对我国房地产投资和经济增长之间的互动关系进行了实证分析。
At first, the thesis makes a comparative analysis of the real investment structural growth as a whole and the development course of every industry as signal one irrespectively, pointing out the existing problems and the direction of regulation and optimization. 本文首先对黑龙江省产业投资结构总体成长状况和单个产业的投资演变情况进行了横纵向比较分析,指出了产业投资结构存在的问题及调整和优化的方向。
This paper introduces financial innovations into IS LM model through three major channels such as the efficiency of transactions, interest rate elasticity of real investment, and interest rate elasticity of financial investment. 本文通过金融创新对于交易效率、实际投资的利率弹性、金融投资的利率弹性这三条渠道的影响,将金融创新纳入ISLM模型。
Real options is new way to real investment appraising, project management and strategic decision-making with the application of financial option theory, whose potential lies in recovering flexible value in project and adjusting decision-making by the exposure of more information. 实物期权分析方法是运用金融期权理论评价实物投资,项目管理以及战略决策的一种模式,它的潜力在于它能够捕捉弹性价值,并借助更多的信息来修改和校正现实中的管理决策。
There is different expectation towards stock investment and real investment profit that causes the "press effect" of stock investment. 以及公众对股票投资与实际投资收益预期的非一致性造成股票投资对生产性投资的“挤出效应”等。
This thesis discusses the mode of our real estate investment trust, and puts forward an idea on the improvement system of the real investment estate trust. 分析我国房地产投资信托可供选择的模式,并对完善房地产投资信托的途径进行探讨具有现实意义。
Expected values such as original investment, net annual cash flow, life span and basic discount rate are all bases for calculation and analysis of investment decision. However, real investment process is full of uncertainties. 初始投资、年现金净流量、寿命期、基准贴现率等预测值,是投资决策分析的计算依据,而实践中投资活动充满了不确定性。